The Philosophy: The Cincy PhotoMob is a social photography experiment. As individuals, it asks us to take a moment to observe our surroundings and capture what it is that catches our interest. After the reconstruction of these little snippets, the larger picture appears, showing us what we value and what we tend to overlook. The Cincy PhotoMob is a crowd participatory reflection of our community, our place in the context of the greater whole. Through the solitary nature of photography, it allows us our individuality and creative input but then reminds us how we interact and coalesce to form a team.
The Process: The Cincy PhotoMob was originally launched during the 2013 Cincinnati Fringe Festival and received a Jackson Street Market Grant. Participants are invited to a predetermined location with the instruction to take a photograph from a specific vantage point. Encouraged to shoot anything that catches their attention, the photos are then collected and reconstructed into one large, continuous image. Some areas prove to be popular with thickly stacked, overlaying photos while others were bare and overlooked completely.